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Consultancy and Services

Enterprise Messaging and Integration


IHCH Consulting provides professional services covering IBM messaging and IBM integration products. These services cover design, development, testing and support. 


IHCH Consulting offers Health Checks, Performance Reviews and Performance Benchmarks. These offerings cover the IBM messaging and IBM integration products.


IHCH Consulting staff have worked on a number of customer projects in the financial services, airport management and asset management sectors. 


IHCH Consulting is an IBM Registered Business Partner. We provide a range of professional services covering IBM messaging (MQ) and IBM integration (App Connect Enterprise, IBM Integration Bus, IBM WebSphere Message Broker) products.

We provide a number of bespoke offerings covering product Health Checks, Performance Reviews and Performance Benchmarks.

Our lead consultant worked for IBM in their software development labs in Hursley delivering MQSeries Integrator version 2.0 in 1999 through to WebSphere Message Broker version 8. In this capacity they worked in a number of areas covering product development, software testing, support and performance engineering.

IHCH Consulting is enrolled on the IBM vNext (Beta) program for both MQ and App Connect Enterprise. We join regular updates calls with the product development teams and spend two weeks each year (June/July) in Hursley as part of this program. This provides us with the latest product information and visibility around what new features and functionality are in the pipeline. We have access to the vNext software which we evaluate and provide feedback to the IBM development teams.


89 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 9DQ, United Kingdom

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